Hallifax Fairground Attraction

Tezla 2


Mashi on the move towards her BOS and her Swedish CH title

in Vänersborg  june the 12 . She is handled by Caroline Smids .

Well done !

 Mashi move front



 20220130 in N. Aaby Denmark

Hallifax Hightide Hotlips ”Mashi”
Avatar Concord X Aftergow Kinky Boots
Breeders Kicki Nielsen and Missy Galloway
Thanks to the Afterglow team for making this adventure come true
On the double show in N Aaby Mashi gained her Danish Ch title. BOS in ring 1 and BOB and BIS 4 in ring 2. ( Inspite beeing shown by myself Im not the fittest person, I nearly died )
Huge congratulations to the three smaller sizes , they are beautiful poodles all of them!
Thanks to judges Frederik Kien Hansen and Alexandar Petrovic


Pretty "Tezla" Hallifax Fairground Atraction by Volgarus Black Hawk out of Hallifax Fairytale

 Tezla 1


 We have a newborn litter by Volagrus Black Hawk out of Hallifax Fairytale. Seven wonderful black puppies, five boys and two girls. There are still two boys avaliable.


Bentley flyttar till Norge, han bor nu på kennel Mountain Blizz hos Kari Kindem och heter Birk.



Jag söker ett utställningshem till Bentley som nu är 11 veckor gammal. Han är en mycket lovande liten kille.  Du måste bo i Skåne, redan kunna eller vara villig att lägga tid på att lära den pälsvård som krävs för en utställningspudel. Vi kommer att äga honom tillsammans vilket innebär ett nära samarbete runt Bentley. Hör av dig om du tror att detta är något för dig. 



H-litter 1 year today. On the picture "Malta" Hallifax Hightide High on Honey




today "Lilli" Gortier New Revival for Hallifax gained her swedish CH title

she is only shown six times and is also a DK CH and Specialty BIS winner

Afterglow Tyrone Power x Del Zarzoso Sabor A Mi

Pictured BIS 2

Christel Berglund  so happy with the BIS rosett in her hand, Yeah!!!! 






Hallifax Hightide Halcyon Daze

Avatar Concord x Afterglow Kinky Boots

DK Junior Champion today, Huge congratulations to owner Camilla Arhammer.

Pictures taken in another show in september.




Träning med Mashi och Julia Håkansson





In Netherlands to deliver two puppies for further transport to Missy Galloway in

USA. It is in the midst of the corona pandemic and Europe is  in lockdown.

Many , many thanks to Michael Gadsby who helped out, he drove from England to collect them

and arranged the flight to the USA. You are the best!



20 05

'Boomer'  Hallifax Hightide Hedonist and  'Halo' Hallifax Hightide Aftergow Halo sleeping together, takes a while to discover?!



20 05




20 07

"Jimi" Hallifax Hendrix plays Afterglow, first photo from England



20 02

Can't resist sharing this picture of Jimi , Hallifax Hendrix plays Afterglow. So sweet!




200301 Breadstrup

Danish Champion !

Poodle specialty in Denmark. Chiwas went third best male under judge Andrew Hoblin with the following critics

SE54422/2017 quality black male, nice head and good chin, good front and rear angulations, good tailset and carried well , hold himself well on the move, has style and attitude, just a little close behind today. Nevertheless a quality dog: 

On the second show under Judge Ute Uberhard he went best male and BIM and gained his Danish Chamion title. SE54422/2017: A wow male, perfect in condition, in trim, body, handled to perfection, and a poodle as a poodle should be, moves with attitude and style, thank you for presenting him for me.  




Breeders gathered to evaluate our latest litter

Avatar Concord x Afterglow Kinky Boots, Seven beautiful Puppies

From above to the left me, Maud Nilsson - Alchemy kennels in Norway

Christian Manelopolous -Tarquin kennels USA, Tom Isherwood -Aftergow England

Missy Galloway-Hightide USA, Michael Gadsby - Afterglow and

Elisabeth Drake - Härbovi Sweden. We had some really nice days together.



Puppies born at Hallifax

Avatar Concord x Afterglow Kinky Boots



190921 -22

Chiwas went second best male at Eslöv Nordic Dog Show and same result at Ballerup International Dog Show. Judge Torbjörn Skaar. 





 Chiwas handled by Mimmi Roslin in Eslöv





Pretty little Kinky bred to Malte



Vsited my dear friendMaud Nilsson in Oslo, Look what we found! King Olav V had a poodle.




Mid Januari I flew to Helsinki to collect a little puppy girl. Gortier New Revival For Hallifax, Lili. She is such a sweet, affectionate and curious little girl. We are so happy to have her at Hallifax. Thanks Henna and Tony Pekkola for making this happen . We love her! she by "Jason", Afterglow Tyrone Power who is a son of "Noah" Hallifax D'Havilland Dove. So  she is already a part of the Hallifax family. Feels good!






Hallifax Fellini ”Chiwas” is now Danish Junior Ch! He is more than a handfull to show and Christel Berglund is doing a marvellous job with him. He likes to do it his way, and is very playful! (Runs in the family) In the finals he manage to keep his feet on the floor for more than five seconds. He is dearly loved by his family, Åke Stubner och Ylva Johanesson.




Friday I flew to Manchester to collect a little puppy boy. He is so sweet, happy and outgoing and at the same time a cool little fellow. We are so happy to have him at Hallifax. Thanks Michael for making this happen . We love him already !


Agterglow Tinker Tailor at 15 weeks 

Thanks Michael Gadsby for this little Boy! 




Sam, Calie's California Classic earned his third CAC in Rostock today. He is such a sweet and loving dog, and so beautiful!Congratulaitions to Christel Berglund Swanline's, Sam is co owned by Kicki Nielsen, Hallifax





On the 19th october I'm going to England to collect  Afterglow Tinker Tailor. This little standard poodle boy is co owned with Michael Gadsby and Jason Lynn at Afterglow kennels. I´m so thrilled. 

Such a sweetie!





Today Hallifax Figaro (Kairo, Calies Connect to Hallifax Canada x Kito, Haliifax D' Havilland Mosquito) made a BHP Behaviour and personality description. What a result he got! He is described as a dog that loves playing and meeting people also the ones he doesn´t know. There is no reaction at all at pistol shots and he is in a balanced and curious way interested in loud noices and a strange figure. 

In BPH the dogs meet a person dressed out with a big black hat, a long blue hat, big boots and sunglasses. The figure is walking slowly towards the dog in a calm but also for a dog threatening way. 


 Figaro wagged his tail and barked in a friendly way as an invitaion to make friends. When he didn't got any reaktion he waited for his owner to tell him it was ok to take contact. What a cool guy!  Sorry I didn't get it all on video, my mobile didn't work, meaning me doing somethong wrong.  So typical...........!  
Gunilla and I had a wonderful day, it was so fun beeing there . Well done Gunilla and Figaro!






Today was a great day ! It was a pleasure showing under breedspecialist Ann Ingram at Ballerup international dogshow. Hallifax Fellini ”Chiwas ” got cc , junior cc, and the title KPH junior winner -18. It was his first show ever so we are more than pleased. Calie’s chalky California Classic , Sam went BOB , and gained his INCH title. Christel and Tove thanks for your help handling Chiwas.





Figaro is such a nice dog, a cool guy at his first show! Best puppy today ( no competition) but he made the first cut in the finals and ended up fifth BIS puppy all breeds! Thank you Anki, Jawassa kennel for handling him, very much appriciated!
By calies Connect to Hallifax Canada ”Kairo” out of Hallifax d’Havilland Mosquito ”Kito” 



International show on Bornholm, Denmark. Kairo went BOS both days and gained his International champion title.





Today Kito went BOS again to Abica's Miles Ahead. Owner and breeder Kirsten Niesen handler Mikael Nilsson. Huge congratulations to BIS  both days. It is not too hard to go BOS to a BIS winner :-))
I should have done her top properly......Sorry!




Today Kito "Hallifax D`Havilland Mosquito" got her Ch titles and went BOS in Ballerup Denmark. e Hallifax D´Havilland Dove "Noah" u Dajmens Easy RSVP to Calies. She is now Finnish, Danish and Swedish CH. Linda Isgren at Calies handled her. Thank you so much!! Lindas "Marc" Barbican RSVP Degana is grandpa and Izzie Kitos mother is owned by Linda so Kito is in a way Lindas too. There is a swedish say that goes: Shared happiness is double happiness, it is soo true. Pictures later.



Kito went runner up bitch in Roskilde both saturday and sunday. She got her second cc in Denmark. Until today she has also two cc in Sweden and one in Finland.Thanks a lot Linda Isgren for handling her!


To the right Dajmens Egotrip "Mathilda" and to the left Hallifax D´Havilland Mosquito




"Kito" Hallifax D'Havilland Mosquito went BIR and BIS at a specialty show in Denmark!

Judge Natusa Blanusa




Today a new little puppy moved into our home.  Calies Connect to Hallifax Canada 

By Standing Strong Me Myself and I "Niels" out of Molineux New Energi To Calie "Lilly". He hasn´t got a call name yet but we have a couple of names that we are thinking of........  "Niels" is by Vätten´s Aragorn af Midgård and "Lilly" by Bar-None on the Prowl To Avatar



Poodle Specalty i Hässleholm, Judge Tom Isherwood

Kito went #3 best bitch handled by Lotten Rönquist. Thank you Liane Kubbe for the photos.



Poodle Specialty in Aars Denmark, judge

Kito went #2 best bitch




National Poodle Specialty in Högbo, Sweden, judge Kristina Sahlstöm

Kurt went BOB and BIS #3




National Kennel Club Show in Eskilstuna, Sweden, Judge Eva Valinger, Sweden

Kurt went Best of Breed



Kurt BOB at a Kennel Club Show in Vallentuna, Judge Ann-Charlotte Hillberger, Sweden 



Internationel Kennel Club Show in Vallentuna, Sweden, Judge Juha Palosaari, Finland

Kurt got his second CAC and ended up as best male #3



International Kennel club show in Helsinki, Finland, judge Ann Ingram, Ireland  

Hallifax d´Havilland Mosquito got CAC and went BOS in Helsinki.



National Kennel clubs how in Lidköpng, Sweden, Judge Margaret Vear, Norway

Kito went best bitch 2 and got reserv CAC.

Kitos brother Kurt, Hallifax d´Havilland Moth Minor got his first CAC and went BOB.

Huge congratulations to  Birgitta Nord & Maud Nilsson,  Kurt´s owners


Handled to Best male by Anders Rosell......


.......And to Best of Breed by his owner Maud Nilsson



Poodle Specialty in Gothenburg, Sweden, Judge Stephen Wheeler.

Kito got her second Swedish CAC and went BOS

Way to go Kito!




Poodle Specialty in Köping, Sweden, Judge Lorena Merati, Italy

Hallifax d´Havilland Mosquito got her first CAC. The day before she turned 9 months so this was her first show in official class! 

And on top of that,  my friends Anders Rosell went best bitch with Chelsea and Linda Isgren placed #2 best bitch with her silver bitch Ashley and Kito went #3 best bitch from junior class! Nice set of wins for us, we where smiling when lining up for the rosettes!
