Hallifax Zolange
Swedish Champion
Junior World Winner 2003
BOS, BOB and Specialty BIS winner
Hips B
59 cm
Majken was the first dog I showed to it's Championship title, with help from Mary-Jayne Eather Australia who handled her when she got her last CC and gained her title. Thank you very much!
Majken was also one of these happy and funny dogs that always makes you laugh. Her favourite occupation was to play with a ball right in front of the stairs leading to the basement. She pushed the ball very slowly towards the stairs, when the ball was halfway down the stairs she flew like a rocket, grabbed it, up as quick as she went down and started over again. We lost her way too early.
Majkens Pedigree:
SE CH, JWW-03 Hallifax Zolange, blk |
INT, NORD CH, NO V-99, NORD V-00 Avatar Concord, blk |
DE, DK, INT, NORD CH, JEUW-95, WW-96 Avion Totaly Foxy At Harbovi, blk |
US CH El's Total Package, blk |
US CH Summermist Avion Foxy Lady, blk |
SE CH Avatar Biscaya, blk |
SE CH Nexus Extremely Busy, blk |
SE LCH, SE CH Davinas Dream On, blk |
Hallifax Willma, blk |
FI, INT, LU, SE, DK, US, VDH CH Barbican Rsvp-Degana, blk |
US CH Barbican Light And Shadow, blk |
US CH Degana Lullabye, blk |
LPI Hallifax Ruffis, blk |
SE CH Racketeer's For Heaven's Sake |
Calie's Child Of A Cadillac, blk |

Majken went BIS on a poodle specialty, judged by Sharon Pine-Haynes, UK

Ch Hallifax Zolange
Long time since, but still one of my highlights as a breeder. The picture shows me and Majken on the run towards BIS at a Poodle Specialty show. Nice weather, beautiful showground, Best In Show. Can you ask for more?
Judge Sharon Pine
Photo by Ove Nielsen

Majken about 10 months
Majken, Swedish Champion