Avatar Jahallifaxa
Born 2007-04-11
Australian Champion
Multiple BOB Winner
Multiple Group Winner
Multipel Best In Show Winner
Breeder. Anders Rosell Avatar Standard Poodles, Sweden Owner. Jo Turnley, Poshnoir standard Poodles, Australia
“Kina” was raised in my home together with her siblings. She was with me for just over a year before I sent her to Jo Turnley in Australia. As well as being a beautiful bitch, “Kina” has the attitude of a true prima donna, taking all before her. Like a queen, she likes to rule! This spirit is evident in her carriage and movement which is beautiful to watch.
Since she began her show career she has become one of the current top winning standard poodle bitches in Australia. She is a Multi In Show, In Group and Specialty Show winner.
Thank you Jo for taking such good care of “Kina”. She couldn’t be in a better home. Thank you also for all the marvelous work you have done with her showing career.

Kina Best in Show!

Kinas mother:
Avion Caravelle
Anders Rosell, Stephen Wheeler and I wanted a nice bitch to breed Malte to. Anders contacted Yvonne Hagman, Avion Kennel, USA, who agreed to send us Tina, Ch Avion Caravelle, to Sweden for a year. We went to PCA, the Nationel Poodle Specialty in the US. Heading back to Sweden we had not only Tina with us but also the beautiful youngster, "Mattis" Bar-None On The Prowl to Avatar, a stud puppy by Ch Annwick Avatar Chaunsonaire with us
Anders and I immediately fell in love with this young male and agreed that he was a better match for Tina. This resulted in 4 champions of the Avatar prefix: US Ch Avatar Jupiter, US & CAN Ch Avatar Javionne, AU Ch Avatar Jahallifaxa, SE, DK, NO, INT Ch, WW-11 Avatar Jaquetta.
All the bitches in the litter have moved on to be top winners in their respective countries and Jupiter is an American Top Producer. Tina stayed for the litter and flew back to her home Avion kennels together with Yvonne and with the stud-puppy Javionne. Thanks Yvonne for the co-operation.

Bar-None On The Prowl to Avatar "Mattis"
Breeder Nancy Wilson, Bar-None standard Poodles, USA
Owners Linda Isgren Calie´s, Anders Rosell and Stephen Wheeler, Avatar